Monday, May 31, 2010

Stay focus on Excellence instead of Negativity

Recently, I attended the Lorain City Schools Salute to Excellence program which by the way, was another event that brought together students from both Admiral King and Southview. As I sat there, it was like witnessing something special that would go down as a turning point in Lorain City Schools' history. For one evening it was good to see and hear about the positive things that is going on in the Lorain School district. So many people focus on the negative.

There is a saying, "if you look hard enough you will find what you'll looking for." A few and I mean a few individuals are still focus on the site of the new Lorain High School building; that is not scheduled to open until 2014. The naysayers as I looked around in the room wasn't even represented at this event; shocking? They are more concerned about pushing their agenda and complaining when they don't get their way. 'When I was a child' St. Paul writes, 'I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.'

The Lorain City Schools has a diverse student population. Over fifty percent of Lorain City Schools' student population is made up of Hispanic and African-American students. When I attend the school board meetings this population is not represented only when they are upset over something(like dress code). The site meetings was no different. You have a few voices, which happen to be the minority; speaking on what is best for the majority. WOW!

Words of Wisdom: To the Lorain City community there is so much to be excited about. Instead of reading and debating still; where the school needs to be built I suggest that we all focus on what could be. Here is EXCELLENCE in the making!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Be careful for what you ask.....

I tried not to chime in on the latest Cleveland meltdown but it is hard not to resist. As I write this, it is now a fact that Mike Brown is out as Cleveland Cavaliers Coach. Having arguably the best player on the planet in Lebron James and having the best record the past two seasons it still wasn't enough to win a championship. After the loss to Boston Celtics it brought back bad memories of previous letdowns. We all know about the drive, the fumble and the infamous Jordan shot over Craig Ehlo. But that is the past on to the present and hopefully a bright future.

Speaking of the present, it is only Dr. Atkinson's third year and she has made her presence felt in a positive way if you ask me. Like all new administrations, there is always going to be room for improvement and opposition to getting your agenda moving forward. She keeps moving forward and continues to weather the storm when faced with obstacles. Lets just hope she can get a levy past!

Words of Wisdom: If we (City of Lorain) want to focus on how much Dr. Atkinson makes or where she lives instead of the positive changes she has implemented in the schools; I caution us all. Remember it takes some time with change and besides do you want to be responsible for running Lorain City Schools' MVP out of town?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Children say the darnest things.....

I have been a parent going on eighteen years now and it has been challenging to raise my three kids aged 18, 17 and 7 during what I want to call: the "Enlightenment Years." I would have to say that my kids(this culture) have truly kept me on my game. The rules of the game are constantly changing and it is a struggle to keep up; but I do the best I can. I was raised in an era where it was: "Do as I say, not as I do," and "children are to be seen and not heard." Look how time has change.

Before I go on my rant about parenting styles, I understand now that there is no such book out there that will stop your worrying, concerns, fears and headaches as it pertains to raising your children. If there is, please let me know. There is a saying that "Children learn where they live," I believe it is somewhat true but not totally. According to Charles Zastrow, MSSW and PhD there are three types of parenting styles: permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative. The permissive parent is very non-directive and avoid trying to control their children. On the other hand, the authoritarian parent emphasizes control and conformity. Lastly, Zastrow says that the authoritative parent involves children in the decision making and encourage the development of independence. I feel that it doesn't apply to this culture, I have tried all three plus the Bible; my hair still hasn't grown back!

Words of Wisdom: Understand that today, peers and friends have a strong influence in the lives of our children. I feel if we keep the communication lines open and do more listening than talking; there is some hope as parents. Keep them talking, if you do, you might learn something!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

When is it time to say good-bye?

While growing up, I remember watching Muhammad Ali go against Larry Holmes. Larry Holmes was younger, faster and stronger than Ali at this stage of both fighters' careers. Ali put up a good fight but it was obvious that his skills was diminished and he had lost a few steps. Ali had been a great ambassador to the sport of boxing and the reason why many followed and loved the sport during the late 1970's. This leaves me to ask the question, when is it time to say good-bye?

No, I am not referring to Mike Brown or Lebron James. I am referring to some of the teachers in the Lorain School district. Before everyone gets all frowned up and starts attacking please let me finish. I have read several articles in regards to salaries, cuts, levies, where a person lives etc.. but the bottom line is Lorain City School teachers have to be held accountable just like the principals and administration.

There are some excellent teachers in Lorain City Schools and it is not just determined in my opinion, if they are highly qualified(Having a Masters Degree)or some other State mandated credential. If Mike Brown is to Principals as Lebron James is to teachers then change is needed. Let me take it a step further, if Danny Ferry is to Dr. Atkinson as Dan Gilbert is to the Board of Education(Dimacchia, Biber, Smith, Sturgill, Williams and the community)then the BOE needs to be assessing the current state of Lorain City Schools. It is easy to fire the coach or the GM when things don't go our way but upon further review some of the blame and most of it have to be pointed at the teachers.

With unions, it makes it hard to just get rid of a non-performing teacher that has lost a step or two in regards to their passion to teach. Don't get me wrong, there are some teachers that you love and admire for their time and dedication but quite frankly; out of touch. Maybe out of touch is too harsh, so I will say they lack being "Culturally Sensitive." In Ali's case I don't think he was out of touch, but he was holding on because the people loved him.

Words of Wisdom: When you are fighting the administration about testing or your tolerance and patience is not what it use to be; then it is time to take that hard and long look in the mirror! Highly qualified teachers or not Lorain City Schools test scores reminds me of Ali's performance against Holmes; shameful.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Picture is worth a thousand words....

I remember watching the movie "Remember the Titans" and couldn't help but think about the storyline. In the early 1970s, two schools in Alexandria Virginia integrate forming T.C. Williams High School. The Caucasian head coach of the Titans is replaced by an African American coach from North Carolina. Tensions arise when players of different races are forced together on the same football team. Many of these tensions are eased during the two-week training camp in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. When players returned to Alexandria the players found the city in turmoil due to the forced desegregation of the high school. As the season progresses the team's success caused the community to accept the changes. After the Titans' perfect season, the team and the city were closer than ever.

As I sat in the stands at George Daniel Field I noticed all the diversity and excitement around me. I couldn't help but think about the similarities of the T.C. Williams High School Titans and the now, Lorain High School Titans. Race, ethnicity, tensions and fears were all common in bringing both schools together. For one day, the city of Lorain had something to stand up and feel proud about. If the future of the school, city and the community at large is dependent upon this union; I feel very optimistic! Kudos to Matt Kielian (Leaders of Transition), Diane Conibear and the rest of the Lorain City Schools.

Words of Wisdom: It is time for any parent, grandparent, sibling and any concerned community leader to cast their fears behind them to embrace and support the Lorain High School Titans! Eastside, westside, southside and northside can coexist. If you don't want to take my word for it, see for yourself.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lessons Learned....

Recently the Lorain School Board made the decision to wait until November to ask the residents of Lorain to pass a levy for new money. It has been over twenty years since that the Lorain School district has received any new money. This means that the Lorain School district has been doing the best it can with the scraps it has been giving. Passing this levy is vital to the future of Lorain.

Long before Superintendent Cheryl Atkinson, long before the previous administration, and even before Charter schools we've learned that the vast majority of registered voters of Lorain do not want to invest in educating Lorain's children. We have a tendency to point the finger at the head and rightly so. I was reminded by a close friend of mine that when you are in a leadership position it opens you up for criticism. I understand it comes with the territory and I am also reminded that when you point the finger you have three pointed right back at you.

The City of Lorain's hopes of bringing and attracting people back into this city, to revitalize downtown and ultimately provide a state of the art School campus is four years away. Whether you agreed with the site or didn't agree with the site the reality is there were cuts...cuts...cuts! Some of whom were quality teachers that cared about our sons, daughters, grandchildren, neighbors, etc. Our children need the City's support now more than ever.

What has Lorain learned in the past twenty years besides failures of levies? I said Lorain because one of the things we need to learn is that the school system is not just made up of teachers, students, administrators and parents. The community is also part of the school system! Eistein said, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Marian Anderson said it best, "there are many persons ready to what is right because in their heart they know it is right. But they hestitate, waiting for the other fellow to make the first move and he in turn waits for you."

Words of Wisdom: Selecting a levy committee should have been in place May 5th 2010. It is time to change our mindset and strategies in bridging the communication gap amongst the informed and uninformed voters of Lorain.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where were Lorain's PARENTS?

When I woke up Wednesday morning I did my usual, "Ricky, Rashay you guys up!" I walked through the house ranting about how they are seniors in high school and I shouldn't have to be making sure that they get up every morning on time for school. Getting up at 6am to make sure your kids get off to school, I know you are probably thinking that is what parents are suppose to do, right? According to Wes Fleming author, parent, there are seven emotional needs of a child that need to be met in order to build a strong foundation. He used the acronym PARENTS which include Protection, Acceptance, Recognition, Enforced Limits, Nearness, Time, and Support. I sat down and read my newspaper as my kids continued to get ready at a snails pace. It wasn't a surprise to read that the Lorain city school levy failed but I was shocked by how many 'no' votes there was. I sat there and in my head said, WOW!...Words of Wisdom: It is my opinion that the focus should and always be on providing OUR children with a quality education this in return builds a strong foundation for the city of LORAIN. Protection, Acceptance, Recognition, Enforced Limits, Nearness, Time and Support is what we all have to do even when it calls for us to get up at 6am.